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Governance Information

2024/25 Trustee Board & Declarations



Date Appointed From/To

Relevant Business and Pecuniary Interests 

Personal Relationships with Trust Employees or Members/Trustees/ Local Governors/Date interest declared 

Douglas Smith Member  23/02/2011 Spouse, Little Teahouse occasional supplier  None, 30/09/24
Diane Dowling Member 23/02/2011 None None, 30/09/24
Maureen Richards Member 23/02/2011 None None, 30/09/24
Christie Cavallo Headteacher/ Accounting Officer 01/09/2017 None None, 12/09/24
Clare Quinlisk  Chair/Parent 06/10/2021 (Chair) 
19/01/2021 (Parent)
Castlewood Primary- employed as Learning Mentor 01/10/2016 None, 12/09/24
Katy Tyrrell Vice Chair, Co-opted 15/03/2025 None  None, 09/09/24
Peter Buckley Co-opted 17/10/2018 None None, 11/09/24
Nava Flower Parent 27/11/2020 None None, 08/09/24
Katherine Yardley- Turpin  Co-opted 21/06/2023 None None, 05/09/24
Hannah Lorne Parent 16/10/2024 None  None, 18/10/24
Ian Bridges Parent  16/10/24 None None, 18/10/24
Russell Spratley Co-opted 17/10/24 None None, 21/10/24










All Trustees and Members can be contacted via our Clerk Adele Jones, or via post to The Southwater Infant Academy.

Please find below our key information including our Trustee Report and Financial Statement, note that the Value for Money Statement is included in the Trustees' Report.