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Parent Overview Year 2

Please find below our Parent Overview detailing what our children in Year 2 are learning this week. 

Date w/c 15.07.2024
Curriculum area  We are learning to… 
Phonics, Handwriting and Spelling Next week we are going to be writing postcards to children coming up from year 1 to tell them all about life in year 2! We will leave these postcards in their trays ready for them to receive in September. We are also going to be making a newsletter which will give information about all our favourite experiences about year 2 and will look ahead to year 3. 
Literacy  Phonics and Spelling – The children will be consolidating their learning on the phonics sounds they have done this term. 
Maths This week in maths we will be consolidating our learning on Shape. We will be exploring lines of symmetry and will find lines of symmetry on 2D shapes. 

Wider Curriculum 

Science: The children will be writing weather reports to include in their newsletter. 


PSHCE: This week we will be making affirmation plates and talking about our favourite memories from year 2. 


P.E- Team Games 

History: This week we will be looking at all of the history learning we have done this year and adding it into our newsletter. 

Music: LO: We will be performing our Eddie the Penguin show to our family and friends! 


Art: This week we will be recapping the art techniques we have been learning this year and using them to create our own artwork to add into our newsletter. 

Other News 

A couple of notices: 

Our last day of term will be Tuesday 23rd July 

The children will be celebrating with a leaving party on Friday 19th July,  please look at the list outside yellow wing to sign up to bring in bits to help us to celebrate. 

Please keep bringing books into school that need to be returned. We will no longer be sending reading books home this term.  


Please note this is a basic overview of the planning for this week. It is impossible to cover in this outline all the learning that takes place during a week!  We also believe in listening to your children and responding to their interests and ideas therefore all our planning is flexible. Please note some of the learning will take place across more than one week and during some weeks the learning focus may not cover all curriculum areas.