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Parent Overview Year 1

Please find below our Parent Overview detailing what our children in Year 1 are learning this week. 

Date w/c 15.07.2024

Curriculum area We are learning to…





As we approach our last week of term, we will be looking at a transition text ‘The Secret Sky Garden’ by Linda Sarah. We will be discussing the character ‘Funni’ from the story and what she was like as a person and what she thought was ‘missing’. The children will create sky garden flowers about themselves and their personal attributes which will go on display in their new Year 2 classroom.   

In September when the children begin Year 2, they will continue work on the text ‘The Secret Sky Garden’ as part of their transition.

Maths  This week we will be comparing, describing and solving practical problems for length, measure and height. 

Phonics and Handwriting  

Phonics: In phonics we will be revising the sounds and spelling patterns that we have learnt this term.  
Wider Curriculum 

Science- To observe closely using simple equipment over time, gathering and recording data. 

History: Timeline of history Year 1  

To create a chronological timeline of the history that we have learnt in Year 1. 

Computing: Consolidate learning Purple Mash 

PE – Team games  

Other Information

End of term:

Tuesday 23rd July 


Please note this is a basic overview of the planning for this week. It is impossible to cover in this outline all the learning that takes place during a week!  We also believe in listening to your children and responding to their interests and ideas therefore all our planning is flexible. Please note some of the learning will take place across more than one week and during some weeks the learning focus may not cover all curriculum areas.