At The Southwater Infant Academy we are committed to supporting Fairtrade wherever possible. We celebrate Fairtrade fortnight annually with a childrens Fairtrade Commitee helping to plan and deliver learning with community events to celebrate
In our Fairtrade Policy our main aims are:
- To make our Fairtrade work part of the plans for our whole academy
- To use Fairtrade products whenever we can- when we cook in lessons, when we have events and when we buy new equipment
- To learn about Fairtrade in lessons within our curriculum
- To take part in an extra Fairtrade activity at least once a year with the whole school.
- To use our ideas, voices and actions to tell other people about Fairtrade
- To use what we have learnt to encourage other people.
If anyone in the local community is interested in our Fairtrade work or has specific connection with Fairtrade we would be delighted to hear from you.
Please contact office@southwaterinfants.co.uk