At The Southwater Infant Academy, children join the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) in the year that they become five. In partnership with parents and carers we work to enable children to begin the process of becoming active learners for life by laying the foundations for learning.
The curriculum for the Early Years Foundation Stage builds upon all of a child's previous learning and underpins all future learning. We believe that children learn best when they are interested, motivated and engaged and have opportunities for first hand, direct experiences. In the Early Years Foundation Stage there are three characteristics of effective learning. These are:
- Playing and exploring - children investigate and experience the world around them and 'have a go';
- Active learning - children concentrate, develop resilience and enjoy their achievements;
- Creating and thinking critically - children have and develop their own ideas, make links between ideas, and develop strategies for doing things.
In EYFS we use an online learning journal called Tapestry to record observations in the form of photos, videos and notes. This enables us to build up a picture throughout the year of what each child knows and can do and can viewed and added to by parents on a daily basis.
Please use the link below for further information on The Early Years Foundation Stage.