As part of the academy's safeguarding procedures, parents are asked to speak to a member of staff about any health issues relating to their child. Parents also need to inform the academy office of any medical appointments and cases of infectious illness, such as, chickenpox, measles, impetigo etc.
Special arrangements during the day can be made for children who require medication for asthma or similar conditions. Parents are asked to advise the academy of any severe allergies and relating symptoms their child has been diagnosed with.
The academy staff do not generally administer medicines except antibiotics that are prescribed by a GP to be taken 4 times a day. If a child requires a prescribed medicine to be given during academy hours, parents are asked to complete a permission form available from the office.
Children who have sickness or diarrhoea must be kept at home for 48 hours after the last episode to prevent the spread of infection.
What medicines can we administer at school?
If your child requires medicine to be given at school please fill out the below form and bring this along with your child's medication- in the original box with the pharmacy sticker on.