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Full-Time and Part-Time Places Form

From September 2011, changes to the Admissions Code gave parents the right to choose whether they wish their child to start full-time or part-time in the Early Years Foundation Stage (Reception), subject to the caveat that children are receiving full-time education in the term following their fifth birthday.

Historically, at The Southwater Infant Academy, we have found that the vast majority of parents choose a full-time place and due to our careful nurturing and support most children thrive at school. Please feel reassured that should your child not be thriving in full-time education, we will discuss this with you.

Please indicate below whether you would prefer a full-time or part-time place for your child. Under usual circumstances to ensure the classes are as stable as possible, after the initial ‘settling in’ period, part-time children will attend from 8.50am to 11.30pm and full-time children 8.50am to 3.15pm every day. Should you choose a part-time place for your child, you will be given the option of them becoming full-time from January 2026.

I wish my child to attend:

Select one of the following*