Academy Closures
The responsibility for making the decision to close the academy because of weather conditions or any other emergency is ultimately the Headteacher’s in consultation with the Chair of Governors. The decision about the closure will be made using all available information as early as possible in the morning. As you will appreciate this decision involves a risk assessment of the academy site and the outlying road conditions for staff, parents, carers and guardians who travel to the academy.
The academy will inform the following organisations who will advertise closures, West Sussex County Council, BBC Radio Sussex and advice will be on our website and sent via pmx.parentmail to all parents who are registered with this service. If you are not signed up to pmx.parentmail and would like to, please contact the academy office. I would strongly advise you to register for this service.
Ways to check about closure:
West Sussex County Council internet page
BBC Radio Sussex 95.3FM or 104.5FM or 104.8FM
Please note, if the academy site is closed due to adverse weather conditions, Kids Like Us and Little Acorns Nursery will also be closed.