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At The Southwater Infant Academy we actively promote values and ethics that shape our pupils' characters and moral perspectives.  We are a Rights, Respecting School which ensures the culture, values and day to day relationships of the academy is lived and breathed and is an integral part of our organisation.

The spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of the child is recognised as being of fundamental importance for the education of all children by Governors, staff and parents of our Academy.  It supports all areas of learning and can contribute to the child's motivation to learn.  It is recognised that such development will be most successful when the values and attitudes promoted by the staff provide a model of behaviour for the children.  In later years it can enrich the individual's appreciation of life's experiences and their relationships with others.

Opportunities for SMSC permeate all aspects of the EYFS and KS1 curriculum.  Children and adults accept individual differences, respect each other and their surroundings and have regard for British Values.  Children are encouraged to take an active part in the world around them through the Exploring the World scheme of work and through a broad and rich curriculum.

Children learn how to make decisions that promote and sutain better emotional health and well being.  They recognise diversity and respect themselves and others.  They explore issues of justice, values and culture in their own contexts and the wider world.